hank Photo by Julian Parker-Burns
The Seth Show — BASTA!
After three splendid seasons of THE SETH SHOW, it’s time to call it a day.
Started as a weekly improvisational experiment, Seth decided to take on a new theme every week during the 1st season and did 27 shows in 9 months. Season 2 and 3 became a monthly show on the first Tuesday of the month at THE WEST END in Eastworks (right across from Riff’s). Now it’s time to move on to other performing experiences through community building.
It’s been a great run. Thank you for being a part of this crazy, absurd experiment. This could have only happened in the supportive and beautiful community of Easthampton.
“Lepore defies any stereotype. Is he a comic? A performance artist? An actor? Something else altogether? The correct answers are yes, yes, yes, and yes.” -MassLive

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